
What happens if there is a problem?

Sometimes there is a problem with the developing embryo and the pregnancy ends in a miscarriage (which is a loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks). It is estimated that 15% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage and it’s not always clear as to why. The Mayo Clinic states that 50% of all miscarriages happen because of an extra or missing chromosome that occurs in the growth of the embryo. It has nothing to do with genetics. Women who experience a miscarriage may feel alone and many think they need to carry their grief in silence.

Miscarrying can be a scary experience. See below for some common symptoms of miscarriage. If you feel like you may be experiencing these symptoms, call your doctor.

upset woman who had a miscarriage

  • Bleeding
  • Pain and cramping in the lower back or abdomen
  • Passing fluid or tissue from the vagina. *If this is the case, put some of the tissue in a clean container and bring it is to your doctor. They may be able to analyze the tissue to determine the cause of the miscarriage.

There are some health concerns that affect the mother and could lead to higher risks of miscarriage. If you feel that one or more of these pertain to you, make sure you communicate that to your doctor.

  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Uterus or Pelvis issues
  • Mother has some type of infection
  • Thyroid disease

Miscarriage Myths

Here are some common Miscarriage Myths that are floating around. These are rumored to cause a miscarriage, but they are NOT TRUE.

  • Exercise: Although many of us would love an excuse not to exercise, exercising is not a known cause of miscarriage. So feel to jog, do the elliptical, swim, or whatever kind of exercise you enjoy. *Always communicate what your exercise routine is to your doctor.
  • Sexual Intercourse: Many women continue to have sexual intercourse throughout their pregnancies. Unless directed by a doctor to not have sex, it is safe to do so without fear of a miscarriage.
  • Working: It is fine to continue to work throughout your pregnancy. However, if you are working around dangerous or hazardous chemicals, communicate that to your doctor to make sure it is not harmful to the pregnancy.

Although we don’t know exactly why women miscarry, here are some really great, preventative tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep up with your prenatal care.
  • Keep away from drugs, alcohol and smoking.
  • Limit your caffeine intake.
  • Take your prenatal vitamins.

Whether or not this pregnancy was intended or unplanned, the experience of a miscarriage can be painful. You are not alone. Whatever the situation, we are here to help you process the emotions, thoughts and feelings surrounding your miscarriage. Contact us today to schedule an appointment to share your story with one of our trained client advocates.

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