Think you might be pregnant?

home pregnancy testIf you think you may be pregnant, you’ve come to the right place. If you aren’t really sure and have questions, you’ve come to the right place.

We provide pregnancy testing at no charge.

Our laboratory quality urine pregnancy tests are 99% accurate and are done in a safe and private setting.

Our state licensed, board certified OB/GYN physicians, registered nurses, nurse practitioners, and support staff are highly trained and dedicated to meeting your healthcare needs.

If your pregnancy test is positive, we can provide you with a free limited OB ultrasound to confirm the viability of your pregnancy and tell you approximately how far along you are.

Schedule your free pregnancy verification appointment here.

What is an Ectopic Pregnancy? Learn more here.

How do I know if I’m pregnant?

There are many options to find out if you’re pregnant! However, not all of them are accurate. The at-home tests or the period and fertility apps may contain good indicators, but nothing beats a medical grade pregnancy test that detects the presence of the hCG hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin – otherwise known as the pregnancy hormone) in your urine and an OB ultrasound.


Are cravings and being tired all the time a sign of pregnancy?

Suddenly craving avocado and odd food combinations? Or maybe you’re super tired for no reason and just feeling out of sorts. Maybe you’re pregnant, or maybe you’re just stressed out. What’s a girl to do? Knowing the symptoms of pregnancy is super important. Some women have all the symptoms, some women have just a couple, and some women don’t experience any. But, if you think you may be pregnant, here are some pretty common symptoms to look for:

  • Headaches
  • Mood Swings
  • Breast Tenderness
  • Missed Period
  • Fatigue
  • Feeling lightheaded or dizzy
  • Frequent Urination
  • A “bloated” feeling in your abdomen
  • Morning Sickness (can happen any time of day and includes nausea and vomiting)
  • Some cramping and even possible bleeding. Did you know that some women mistake implantation bleeding for a period and are really farther along in their pregnancy? It happens! This is why you need to have a pregnancy test and an OB ultrasound.

Schedule your free pregnancy verification and find out for sure!


So what’s my next step?

Are you getting sweaty palms? Is the idea of being pregnant getting more real and not in your immediate plans? We get it! We come along side and care for women just like you every day. We can answer your questions as you work through the process of making your decision. We realize this is a decision that affects your life and your future. You can research the internet all day and find so much information or you can talk it out, in persona, with a medical professional.  That’s where we come in. Give us a call or text us and come by for a free pregnancy test, and when necessary, a free limited OB ultrasound and STD/STI screening.

First and most importantly, we’ve got to confirm your pregnancy and check on your health. Schedule your free appointment.



Can I bring someone with me to my appointment?

You can choose to bring someone or come alone. The decision is yours. A pregnancy test is the first step to begin receiving the personal attention and customized care you need right now. Your appointment will be completely confidential with one of our highly trained team members. If you choose to come alone, we are here for you so you never have to feel alone.

What if I am pregnant? Then what?

Once you confirm your pregnancy with a medical professional, you’ve got a lot to think about. First and foremost, you’ve got to take care of you. This includes eating well, rest, and surrounding yourself with people who you trust to talk through your decision with.

What does an ultrasound do?

You’ve probably heard of an ultrasound before. People get them everyday for a lot of different reasons. But, for our purposes, an ultrasound is a picture of what’s going on inside your uterus. The uterus is the organ that holds a pregnancy. An ultrasound is an excellent way to determine so much about your pregnancy. We offer limited obstetrical ultrasounds. Our ultrasounds are minimally invasive. They can confirm the pregnancy, detect if there is a fetal heartbeat, determine the fetal age and the approximate due date. All of this information is so helpful. Good information leads to good decisions. Now that you have all of this knowledge, you can begin thinking about your next steps. Click here to make an appointment request.

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