Pregnancy Education

Bridges offers the following Classes:

Childbirth Classes:

You may have been told birth is scary, excruciating, or something completely out of your control. You may have been told it’s a medical condition instead of a natural, biological process. You may have even been told you won’t be able to give birth without interventions like labor induction and pain medication. We are here to tell you the truth about your childbirth and help you create a birthing plan so that you are equipped to do this. And you can do this! It will be one of the most challenging and powerful things you will ever do. You will emerge a stronger and more confident woman — no matter how your birth unfolds. Seriously, you can do this and we can help!

Additional Classes Available:

Nutrition Coaching for the Pregnant Woman: (This is a one on one with a licensed dietitian/nutritionist). This gives you an opportunity to learn how to care for your body through proper food choices to build a healthier you and a healthy baby as well. A gift card will be ‘earned’ upon the participation and completion of this session.

Financial Classes: Don’t let financial concerns and stress keep you from parenting. Empower yourself and take charge of the money you do have. Learn how to make every dollar count so that you can reach goals your never thought possible!
Part 1 – ‘Every Dollar Counts’ – Banking & Budgeting Basics
Part 2 – ‘Dream Big’ – Planning Your Financial Future
A gift card will be ‘earned’ upon the participation and completion of the 2 classes.

It Takes Two: We offer peer counseling for you and your significant other no matter what state your relationship is currently in. We can share relational tools to help you learn how to establish healthy boundaries, become better communicators, develop trust and respect for each other and much more. Investing in becoming an empowered couple will make parenting even more rewarding. Contact us to schedule an appointment.

Check out some of these parenting websites:

Know your options

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