Pregnancy Testing

Are you late? Have you taken a home pregnancy test?

woman taking a pregnancy test
​We provide pregnancy testing at no charge.

If you think you might be pregnant, you’ve come to the right place. If you aren’t really sure and have questions, you’ve come to the right place. We provide pregnancy testing at no charge. Our laboratory quality urine pregnancy tests are 99% accurate and done in a safe and private setting. Our state licensed, board certified OB/GYN physicians, registered nurses, nurse practitioners, and support staff are highly trained and dedicated to meet your healthcare needs.

If your pregnancy test is positive, we can provide you with a free limited OB ultrasound to confirm the viability of your pregnancy with a follow-up appointment to confirm the diagnosis and determine next steps. Stop wondering and worrying. A laboratory quality pregnancy test is the first step to begin receiving the personal attention you need right now.

Schedule Now

Whether you choose to come alone or with your chosen supporter, contact us today to schedule your confidential, free test and pregnancy options consultation with one of our highly trained team members. You are not alone!

Know your options

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