Your Tribe

Everyone has and needs a Tribe – the people who know you, love you and have your back no matter what. You need them now more than ever.

Your Tribe is Your Support System:

Making pregnancy decisions is really done best with a tribe. You know, a group of trusted individuals that can walk alongside you and support you in your decisions. Girl, we all need support!

What Kind of Support Do I Need?

  • Emotional Support: No one has time for crazy anxiety and stress. But sometimes pregnancy hormones can bring up feelings that we don’t know what to do with. Reach out to trusted family and friends to talk to. You may want to contact a counselor to unload your anxieties on. If you don’t know where to start, give us a call and we can help you out. If you are looking for some healthy coping mechanisms here are a few: listen to music, watch a movie, take a walk, journal, eat that hamburger if you want (just don’t overdo it) or do something you are passionate about to relieve stress. And as always, here at Bridges, we offer services that support you in your pregnancy journey every step of the way.
  • Physical Support: You are of the upmost priority. Give yourself permission to take care of you. No matter what you decide about your pregnancy, it’s always important to love yourself now and always. Get good rest, eat healthy food and drink plenty of water. That can also help with that darn morning sickness as well. Take some deep breaths, participate in some light to moderate exercise, and don’t cave in to your sugar cravings too much. It will put you in a healthy mindset to gather your information to make the best possible decisions regarding your pregnancy options.
  • Spiritual Support: Take time to get quiet and reflect on your decisions, meditate, journal or draw to help you focus. Meet with any mentors you may have in your life. Mentors could be trusted friends, family, teachers, neighbors or a best friend – basically whomever you feel you respect in regards to their opinions and life choices. These people are great to offer guidance in your pregnancy. Allow those around you to love on you during this time and to encourage you in your pregnancy and future decisions.

Your tribe is made up of people that love you and don’t judge you. They will walk alongside you through thick and thin. They are your safe place. Don’t be worried about sharing your struggles. Wouldn’t you want to be there for them in a big decision? Of course you would! That’s what being part of a tribe is all about. Your tribe can include your parents, your husband/boyfriend/significant other, your friends, and even your advocate here at Bridges. They are here to lovingly listen while you to make the best decision for you and your pregnancy.

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