
Do I need an ultrasound?

Ultrasound Services at Bridges Pregnancy Clinic

No matter what you decide to do, if your pregnancy test is positive, you will need an OB ultrasound to confirm whether or not you have a viable pregnancy. The ultrasound provides more accuracy in dating your pregnancy. We provide FREE limited obstetric ultrasounds in our licensed medical clinic that are administered by highly qualified, licensed, medical professionals.

Limited obstetrical ultrasounds are performed to:
  • Confirm the presence of a pregnancy, including location (intrauterine/ectopic)
  • Estimate gestational age
  • Confirm cardiac activity
  • Estimate due date

The limited OB ultrasound examination will not diagnose gender or abnormalities.

At our licensed medical clinic, we provide a confidential ultrasound exam for you at no charge.

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What Does An Ultrasound Do?

You’ve probably heard of an ultrasound before. People get them every day for a lot of different reasons. But, for pregnancy, a limited OB ultrasound is an image of what’s going on inside your uterus. The uterus is the place that holds a pregnancy. An ultrasound will verify the location of the pregnancy, detect if there is a fetal heartbeat, determine the fetal age and approximate due date. All of this information is very important. Good information leads to good decisions. Now that you have all of this knowledge, you can now begin thinking of your next steps.

Contact us today for your free consultation and to schedule your appointment.

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